The 5 top tips on how to be a good change leader

In a world where adaptability is key, it's crucial for leaders to excel as change agents. Yet, with 70% of the global workforce resistant to change, this is the obstacle many leaders fail to overcome. In this episode, Ulrike and her guest Marta Wlodarz, highly experienced in leading large-scale transformations, explore tangible actions that leaders can employ to guide their teams through change in an inspiring, authentic, and credible manner.

Understanding the resistance to change is pivotal. It often stems from the perception that something valuable is at risk or a fundamental fear of instability and uncertainty. Successful change leaders must consider both the professional and intrinsic personal motivators of themselves and their team members. Before leading others, they must prepare themselves. Building resilience, fostering a clear personal vision, and maintaining a balanced approach to work by setting priorities lay the foundation for continued performance during challenging times.

Here are our 5 key action points:
  1. Craft your personal change story: Explore your motivations toward the company goal, not just professionally, but also on a personal level.
  2. Clarify your personal values and strengths: Cultivate consistent behavior by being clear about your values and strengths. Recognizing and taking pride in your valuable contributions serves as a powerful motivator during stressful times.
  3. Create followership among the team: Build credibility and enthusiasm by genuinely believing in the success and purpose of the project. Develop your personal change story for clarity, fostering a sense of ownership from the start.
  4. Prioritize effectively: Use your time for activities that only you can do and cannot be delegated. Analyze your calendar to ensure efforts are directed where the most value is created. Avoid getting trapped in the urgency of important matters and allocate time to things that are "only" important, feeding into your mid- and long-term goals.
  5. Communicate early and openly: Share information as early as possible, even if details are incomplete. This prevents rumors from creating internal and external insecurity, inviting early input from across the organization and enhancing a sense of ownership from the outset.
Join us as we unravel the nuances of effective change leadership, providing you with actionable insights to navigate the challenges of leading through change.

If you want to improve your own skills in leading change or communicating more effectively check out Ulrike’s online live courses for individuals here.

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Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and making a difference!

About Marta Wlodarz
With over 9 years of experience at a consulting company, Marta is a Senior Engagement Manager who leads large-scale strategy, organizational and technology transformations for clients in various sectors, such as financial services, IT, consumer goods, and advanced industries. Her core competencies include strategic planning, business development, organizational design, talent and leadership, and transformations.

About Ulrike Seminati
Ulrike is a globally operating coach, trainer, and consultant who brings a wealth of experience as a former C-level executive to her expertise in authentic leadership and impactful communication. By blending the latest self-development methodologies with her extensive practical experience in leading across all levels of hierarchy, she enables leaders to establish trust and lead change through effective communication. Ulrike's clients benefit from her pragmatic and user-friendly tools that enable them to make lasting improvements.

Connect with Ulrike!

The 5 top tips on how to be a good change leader
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