Leading teams through the entire life cycle of change

In today's episode, Ulrike is diving with Fiona McKerrow, seasoned strategic communicator and change navigator, deep into the intricacies of managing people throughout the entire life cycle of significant organizational change. This process, which often spans months or more, poses unique challenges for leaders, from the delicate pre-announcement phase to maintaining momentum post-reveal.

Preparing for Change - The Ambiguity Challenge: Significant organizational change requires meticulous preparation, yet during this phase, senior leaders grapple with the challenge of holding ambiguity. Rumors spread swiftly among employees, creating unrest and fear. The burden on leaders intensifies as local administrative requirements may lead to additional delays before the change can be officially announced.

Maintaining Business as Usual Amidst Uncertainty
Senior leaders must juggle the demands of maintaining "business as usual" and sustaining motivation levels for themselves and their teams. The process involves navigating a delicate balance to uphold both organizational stability and the motivation required for successful change implementation.

Post-Announcement Challenges: Focus and Motivation
Once the change is officially announced, the focus shifts to maintaining momentum and motivation. Behavioral consistency becomes a crucial success factor in bringing change plans to life. Middle managers play a pivotal role in translating the change to their teams, facing the challenge of providing credible answers as they receive details in real-time.

Proactive Strategies for Effective Change Management

Action 1: Embracing Ambiguity
Leaders can skillfully navigate the pre-announcement phase by acknowledging that change is in the pipeline without divulging specific details. This allows for controlled information dissemination.
Action 2: Personal Preparation
Leaders can use the waiting period before the official announcement to clarify their personal motivations for the change. This ensures authentic and credible communication when details are disclosed.
Action 3: Crafting a Compelling Business Story
Create a clear and compelling narrative outlining the tangible benefits of the change. Officially communicate as early as possible, encouraging employee engagement in co-creating parts of the transformation process.
Action 4: Early Involvement of Middle Managers
Onboard middle managers in advance to equip them with the necessary details, allowing them to create personal change stories and effectively communicate with their teams. Establish regular forums for peer-to-peer learning.
Action 5: Employee Involvement
Allow employees to actively contribute to the change process. This goes beyond passive acceptance, requiring genuine implementation of their input to foster true engagement.

Join us as we explore these strategies and insights, providing practical guidance for leaders navigating the complexities of organizational change. Remember, effective change management is not just a process—it's a journey of collaboration and adaptation. Tune in for valuable tips on how to lead your team through the winds of change.

If you want to improve your own skills in leading change or communicating more effectively check out Ulrike’s online live courses for individuals here.

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Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and making a difference!

About Fiona McKerrow
Fiona has partnered with Business Executives across a range of industries and geographies, guiding them on engaging, enlivening, and engendering employee commitment on critical topics.  She is highly skilled at developing opportunities to enable transformational change anchored to a compelling vision. A systemic thinker, Fiona thrives in organizations that are driving strong culture movements. Passionate about inclusivity, she is committed to ensuring all employees are encouraged and enabled to have their voices heard. Fiona’s passion project is her role as a Gen Z Ambassador committed to developing future leaders.  

About Ulrike Seminati
Ulrike is a globally operating coach, trainer, and consultant who brings a wealth of experience as a former C-level executive to her expertise in authentic leadership and impactful communication. By blending the latest self-development methodologies with her extensive practical experience in leading across all levels of hierarchy, she enables leaders to establish trust and lead change through effective communication. Ulrike's clients benefit from her pragmatic and user-friendly tools that enable them to make lasting improvements.

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Leading teams through the entire life cycle of change
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