Introducing Metaverse in corporate organizations

In this insightful episode, Ulrike and her guest Isabel Steinhoff, Transformation Expert & Metaverse Advisor, explore the challenges and opportunities in introducing the use of the metaverse within a corporate organization. Significant digital changes often evoke fear among people due to the unfamiliarity with new tools, leading to insecurity and a lack of control. Resistance towards revolutionary tools like the metaverse tends to be initially high, fueled by concerns of societal disconnection and job insecurity.

Discussion Points:

1 - Addressing Concerns and Benefits:
  • Acknowledge valid concerns but emphasize the benefits: Will it replace or empower individuals? Will it foster creativity and enable new opportunities?
2 - Seeing is believing:
  • Offer firsthand experiences of the metaverse through curated and guided sessions, meeting people where they're at instead of relying solely on traditional presentations.
  • Simulate work scenarios such as virtual meetings to demonstrate the potential for enhanced connection and collaboration compared to conventional video calls.
  • Break down the whole concept into digestible slides, making it accessible and inclusive for all.
3 - Psychological safety in the Metaverse
  • Explore the concept of psychological safety in VR, where individuals feel a sense of closeness while retaining a safety layer through avatars.
  • Introverted individuals may find VR environments conducive to expression and participation, leading to greater engagement.

If you want to improve your own skills in leading change or communicating more effectively check out Ulrike’s online live courses for individuals here.

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Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and making a difference!

About Isabel Steinhoff
Isabel Steinhoff is co-founder Dimenteers, Transformation Expert & Metaverse Advisor, and member of multiple boards. Isabel loves working at the intersection of strategy, technology and people. For over 10 years, Isabel worked in the media industry and management consulting. She previously served as Managing Partner at a digital transformation network that included more than 20 member companies with over 450 employees. Building on this experience, her path as an external navigator has led her to co-found the Metaverse advisory boutique Dimenteers. Why? Because she strongly believes we're at an inflection point of the way the internet - and with it business - works.

About Ulrike Seminati
Ulrike is a globally operating coach, trainer, and consultant who brings a wealth of experience as a former C-level executive to her expertise in authentic leadership and impactful communication. By blending the latest self-development methodologies with her extensive practical experience in leading across all levels of hierarchy, she enables leaders to establish trust and lead change through effective communication. Ulrike's clients benefit from her pragmatic and user-friendly tools that enable them to make lasting improvements.

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Introducing Metaverse in corporate organizations
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