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Welcome to “Leading Change Conversations”! This podcast is pretty unique as we explore real-life situations with real leaders who work in corporate organizations and what’s specific about our guests is that they are conquering organizational change challenges right now. 

Today, leadership is synonymous with change and the imperative for leaders to become impactful change agents has never been more pressing. However, approximately 70% of people globally resist change. If you want to learn to master how to bring these people on board you have come to the right place. 

In every episode, we take a deep dive into a specific case study and we share practical tips and strategies along the way. Our mission is simple: We arm you and your team with an actionable roadmap based on a real-case scenario that makes implementing these lessons at work a breeze.

I am Ulrike Seminati, and I train, coach and inspire leaders and leadership teams from across the globe
  • to turn into successful change agents 
  • to communicate with impact
  • to lead with authenticity

We are permanently looking for guests who are willing to share their situation with us. So if you are a leader - no matter how small or big your team - no matter how much experience you have - and you are facing a situation where you have to bring your team or other people on board for a change or a transformation project, get in touch with us either via our website “" and pick a slot of your choice in my personal calendar or send me a personal Email to

What you’ll get in turn is a free 45-minute consulting discussion and a guaranteed list of 2-3 concrete action items that you can apply right away. I am surely looking forward to getting to know you! 

Apply to become a guest and get a 45-minute consultation for free!
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