A recipe for powerful C-level communication

In this episode, Ulrike elaborates together with Ricardo Troiano, a Change Leader, Practitioner and Enthusiast with decades of experience, a simple yet compelling recipe for communicating organizational change from a C-level perspective. Tune in if you want to discover three concrete actions you can take to increase your credibility and impact as a change leader.

About two decades ago, change was characterized by specific outcomes and predetermined timelines. Today, with globalization, rapid changes, the rise of software as a service through cloud computing, and the emergence of AI, change has become unpredictable. This uncertainty has led many leaders to hesitate in communicating a clear end vision.

When leaders remain silent about their experiences and the evolving situation, it leaves employees to fill in the gaps, causing unnecessary anxiety about potential impacts and uncertainties surrounding the change process.

In the current landscape, where outcomes are less certain, the only reliable factor for individuals is a leader who provides a clear direction. Ricardo and Ulrike propose a straightforward model called the ABC for effective communication and leadership during change to help build the necessary credibility and trust throughout the process.

A stands for Authenticity: In a business world where authenticity is rare due to corporate personas, leaders can make a significant impact by showing vulnerability. Authenticity involves a balance between demonstrating competencies and warmth, and acknowledging uncertainties while taking steps forward.

B stands for Being Bold: Leaders often prioritize safety over purpose and hesitate to express themselves clearly. Reframing these moments as opportunities for engagement, rather than make-or-break situations, encourages bold communication and decision-making.

C stands for Continuous: Many change programs fail due to a lack of continuity in communication and behavior from senior leaders. Maintaining clarity and mindfulness throughout the entire journey is crucial for the success of change initiatives.

Being consistently authentic and bold is key to effective leadership during times of change. This approach, although surprising, is refreshing and fosters trust and followership, even in the face of uncertainty.

Thanks for tuning into 'Leading Change Conversations'! I hope you found our discussion inspiring and informative. If you enjoyed it, remember to subscribe, rate, and leave a review. Plus, sign up for our Newsletter to access our practical transformation roadmaps on a regular basis. 

If you want to improve you own skills on leading change or communicating more effectively check out Ulrike’s online live courses for individuals here. 

Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and making a difference!

About Ricardo Troiano
Ricardo is a change leader, practitioner and enthusiast. His career in change spans over 10 years in industry, and almost 20 in management consulting across 4 continents and multiple industries.

About Ulrike Seminati
Ulrike is a globally operating coach, trainer, and consultant who brings a wealth of experience as a former C-level executive to her expertise in authentic leadership and impactful communication. By blending the latest self-development methodologies with her extensive practical experience in leading across all levels of hierarchy, she enables leaders to establish trust and lead change through effective communication. Ulrike's clients benefit from her pragmatic and user-friendly tools that enable them to make lasting improvements.

Connect with Ulrike!

A recipe for powerful C-level communication
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